call(Goal,Arg) allows to append the argument Arg to the arguments of Goal and call the resulting goal, e.g.
call(succ(1), R).
is the same as
succ(1, R).
However, I don't want to append to the argument list, but instead prepend, e.g.
callpre(succ(1), R).
should result in
succ(R, 1).
How can I prepend arguments to the list of Goal's arguments and call the resulting goal?
For an arbitrary number of arguments, you could define it as
callpre(MGoal, Arg) :-
strip_module(MGoal, M, Goal),
Goal =.. [F | Args],
NewGoal =.. [F, Arg|Args],
You'll also need a meta_predicate/1
declaration for this:
:- meta_predicate callpre(1, *).