When using Jasmine and Angular (1.4.7) with Restangular (1.4.0), httpBackend and angular-mocks (1.4.7), Chrome and PhantomJS both crash when encountering the following line:
If I get rid of it entirely, as below, I get the following error:
scope.doSomething(); // will invoke a GET to /keepAlive
Error: Unexpected request: GET /something No more request expected
The code that it is testing is:
$scope.doSomething = function () {
I've tried everything I can think of. I'm down to the idea that this is just a bug in Karma/Jasmine/Restangular but I don't know how to work around it.
One thing worth noting is that httpBackend and Restangular disagree about the URL. Restangular adds the /
to /something
. httpBackend doesn't. This is why they don't match.
Things I've tried that didn't work:
Solved this a while ago. What happened is that the $httpBackend test caused a route change. That route change caused an event to fire and got us stuck in a loop.
However, this only happened when testing with $httpBackend. In the real world, this infinite loop didn't happen.
There were two solutions: