I have a table with the cuts in intervals like:
bin targets casos prop phyp logit
(-2,-1] 193 6144 0.0314 0 -3.4286244
(-1,3] 128 431 0.2970 1 -0.8617025
(3,11] 137 245 0.5592 1 0.2378497
I want to get the original cuts. I tried with:
a<-strsplit(as.character(pl$table[,'bin']), ' ')
And then I tried to split each row with:
lapply(a, function(x) strsplit(x, ",")[1] )
But I don't get the expected result, which is:
Is there a better way to achieve this? What else do I need to do to get to the result?
In your example, there are more bounds than you say you are hoping to retrieve. This will give you all bounds:
d <- read.table(text=' bin targets casos prop phyp logit
"(-2,-1]" 193 6144 0.0314 0 -3.4286244
"(1,3]" 128 431 0.2970 1 -0.8617025
"(3,11]" 137 245 0.5592 1 0.2378497', header=T)
strings <- as.character(levels(d$bin))
strings <- substr(strings, 2, nchar(strings)-1)
unique(unlist(strsplit(strings, ",")))
# [1] "-2" "-1" "1" "3" "11"
If you only wanted the upper bounds, this will work:
strings <- as.character(levels(d$bin))
strings <- sapply(strsplit(strings, ","), function(l){ l[2] })
strings <- substr(strings, 1, nchar(strings)-1)
# [1] "-1" "3" "11"