Search code examples

Report doesn't sort by code

I want to sort my using options of comboboxes. The report displays perfectly, except the sort is not working and throws no errors. I'm using Crystal Reports version and Visual Basic 6

Dim Report  As New CRAXDRT.Report  
Set Report = App1.OpenReport(g_ReportDirectory & "xxxx.rpt")

If cmbRefresh6.Text <> "" Then

    Select Case cmbRefresh6.Text
                       Case "TestOne"
                      Report.RecordSortFields.Add Report.Database.Tables(2).Fields.Item(3), crDescendingOrder
                        Case "TestTwo"
                             Report.RecordSortFields.Add Report.Database.Tables(1).Fields.Item(23), crDescendingOrder
     End Select
End If

If (cmbRefresh1.Text <> "") Then
     Report.RecordSelectionFormula = "{WORK.ID}" = '1' 
End If

The application opens the report, show the data is unordered.


  • I found my solution doing this. I created a group in my report and assigned to a formula field, the Report.Areas("GH3") refer to group header3 and Report.FormulaFields.Item(2) is my formula with the item to sort. I hope that helps you with similar problems having a second option to order.

    If cmbRefresh6.Text <> "" Then
                        Select Case cmbRefresh6.Text
                            Case "TestOne"
                                  Report.Areas("GH3").GroupConditionField = Report.FormulaFields.Item(3)
                                  Report.Areas("GH3").SortDirection = crAscendingOrder
                            Case "TestTwo"
                                  Report.Areas("GH3").GroupConditionField = Report.FormulaFields.Item(2)
                                  Report.Areas("GH3").SortDirection = crAscendingOrder
                        End Select
                    End If