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Insert JSON into Mongocxx

I'm currently trying to insert a JSON file into my mongoDB. I've already seen that this was solved by making use of the mongo::BSONObj in the past... But this doesnt seem to be an option since they released the new mongocxx driver for c++11. This is what I found in the bsoncxx src files:

BSONCXX_API document::value BSONCXX_CALL from_json(stdx::string_view json);
/// Constructs a new document::value from the provided JSON text
/// @param 'json'
///  A string_view into a JSON document
/// @returns A document::value if conversion worked.
/// @throws bsoncxx::exception with error details if the conversion failed.

How do I get my JSON file into a stdx::string_view?



  • A bsoncxx::stdx::string_view can be constructed from a std::string. Simply load your file contents (assuming it contains a single JSON object) into a std::string (perhaps via std::ifstream), and pass that std::string to bsoncxx::from_json. The object returned from bsoncxx::from_json is a bsoncxx::document::value, which is a resource-owning type that contains a BSON document.