I have the following statement:
({!join from=project_uuid to=id}type:EM_PM_Timerecord AND created:[2015-01-01T01:00:00Z TO 2016-01-01T01:00:00Z]) OR ({!join from=project_uuid to=id}type:EM_CM_Request_Member AND created:[2015-01-01T01:00:00Z TO 2016-01-01T01:00:00Z])
It doesn't return any documents, but if I use only one of the joins e.g.:
{!join from=project_uuid to=id}type:EM_PM_Timerecord AND created:[2015-01-01T01:00:00Z TO 2016-01-01T01:00:00Z]
It returns some documents.
If I remove the date ranges it works as well:
({!join from=project_uuid to=id}type:EM_PM_Timerecord) OR ({!join from=project_uuid to=id}type:EM_CM_Request_Member)
Can someone tell me what I'm missing? And what is wrong with the first statement?
Thanks in advance.
In debug the parsed query looks like this:
(+JoinQuery({!join from=project_uuid to=id}type:EM_PM_Timerecord) +created:[1420074000000 TO 1451610000000]) (+JoinQuery({!join from=project_uuid to=id}type:EM_CM_Request_Member) +created:[1420074000000 TO 1451610000000])
And maybe I should mention that I use it as a filter query, but as far as i understand it that should not make a difference in the result.
I asked now in the SolrUsers mailing list as recommended and I got an answer.
The query has to be split up in multiple queries like this:
&q={!join from=project_uuid to=id v=$q1} OR {!join from=project_uuid to=id v=$q2}
&q1=type:EM_PM_Timerecord AND created:[2015-01-01T01:00:00Z TO 2016-01-01T01:00:00Z]
&q2=type:EM_CM_Request_Member AND created:[2015-01-01T01:00:00Z TO 2016-01-01T01:00:00Z]
and it works fine.
My problem was that I put the whole thing under &q=... and apparently that was to much.