I'm wracking my brain here for several hours, but I still don't understand why I'm getting an error when I'm trying to run this code. After some time I managed to narrow it down to the expression:
which causes the problem - as you can see, I'm trying to build numerous comparators for one template function of sorting
struct dialingAreaComp{
inline bool operator()(const Deliver *d1, const Deliver *d2)const {
return d1->getDialingArea() < d2->getDialingArea();
struct pastryPrice {
inline bool operator()(const Pastry *p1, const Pastry *p2)const {
return p1->getPrice() < p2->getPrice();
template<class T>
void sortCollection(T& collection)
if ( typeid (collection) == typeid(vector <Deliver*>))
sort(collection.begin(), collection.end(), dialingAreaComp());
else if (typeid (collection) == typeid(vector <Pastry*>))
sort(collection.begin(), collection.end(), pastryPrice());
else { cout << "WRONG!"; }
I'm getting five errors, all the same:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2664 'bool Bakery::pastryPrice::operator ()(const Pastry *,const Pastry *) const': cannot convert argument 1 from 'Deliver *' to 'const Pastry *' Bakery c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\xutility 809
And one more:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error C2056 illegal expression Bakery c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\xutility 809
When I take off the expression I wrote above, the code works just fine - why can't I pass two different comparators to one template function?
C2264 is a Compiler Error that occurs when one tries to pass a function a parameter of an incompatible type.
But the Deliver function works and when I took off the Deliver comparator the Pastry compiled as well... so what is the incompatible type?
You get an error because the templated function is evaluated at compile time, and one of the function calls will never match. Instead of the template use simple function overloads:
void sortCollection(vector <Deliver*>& collection)
sort(collection.begin(), collection.end(), dialingAreaComp());
void sortCollection(vector <Pastry*>& collection)
sort(collection.begin(), collection.end(), pastryPrice());