Search code examples

Mongoose - How to group by and populate?

I use MongoDB and Mongoose as my ODM and I'm trying to make a query using populate and group by in the same statement.

Here is my simple documents models :

var userSchema = new Schema({
    username: String

var messageSchema = new Schema({
    from: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
    to: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
    message: String,
    date: { type: Date, default: }

I'm just trying to get every messages for one user, group by each users he talks with. I tried like this :

this.find({ 'to': user })
    .sort({ 'date': 1 })
    .populate(['from', 'to'])

But, unfortunately, my model doesn't have group method. Do you have any solution, to get this working ?

Thank you.


  • Example using $lookup populate, lookup populates as an array, hence the $unwind.

            { "$match": { "to": user } },
            { "$sort": { "date": 1 } },
            { "$group": { 
                "_id": "from",
                "to": { "$first": "$to" },
                "message": { "$first": "$message" },
                "date": { "$first": "$date" },
                "origId": { "$first": "$_id" }
            { "$lookup": {
                 "from": "users",
                 "localField": "from",
                 "foreignField": "_id",
                 "as": "from"
            { "$lookup": {
                 "from": "users",
                 "localField": "to",
                 "foreignField": "_id",
                 "as": "to"
            { "$unwind": { "path" : "$from" } },
            { "$unwind": { "path" : "$to" } }
        function(err,results) {
            if (err) throw err;
            return results;