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SQL Join Tables on Closest Date BEFORE Shipped Date

This may appear to be a repeat question but it is not because the other solutions in the forum don't work in this situation.

This is a query to our ERP database that is trying to get the final cost of goods sold total for parts. Basically the ERP makes it easy to get all the direct costs out but doesn't calculate scrap costs.

Where I'm stuck is in the sub query in the FROM section marked:


The sub query, as it is now written, pulls out all the shipments to our scrap vendor and gets a monthly average rate per pound, then joins to the other tables based on alloy type, month and year.

My Finance Department has told me the average is not a good solution, since some metal prices fluctuate too much or they don't sell the scrap metal in the same month the parts shipped so this won't work.

I need to get the rate we are paid for scrap metal from the closest date before the part was shipped from our facility.

I've found other examples on Stack Overflow that show ways to do this but the main tables and the sub query tables overlap so the other solutions I've seen have failed. I have commented in the code below to show and explain this.

I'm totally open to the idea I've approached this wrong. How can I make this work?

DECLARE @Date_From                      AS  DATETIME;
DECLARE @Date_To                        AS  DATETIME;
SET     @Date_From                      = '2016-10-01 00:00:00.000';
SET     @Date_To                        =  GETDATE()       ;
 -- Start Main query     
   CCustomer.Customer_Type          AS  'Industry'
  ,SShipper.Ship_Date               AS  'Ship_Date'
  ,SSContainer.Serial_No            AS  'Serial_No'
  ,PPart.Grade                      AS  'Alloy'
  ,tbl_ScrapValue.Scrap_Value_per_lb    AS 'Scap_Value_per_lb'

            Sales_v_Shipper_Line          AS SSLine 
      JOIN  Sales_v_Shipper               AS SShipper
        ON  SShipper.Shipper_Key = SSLine.Shipper_Key
      JOIN  Part_v_Part                   AS PPart
        ON  SSLine.Part_Key = PPart.Part_Key
      JOIN  Common_v_Customer             AS CCustomer
        ON  SShipper.Customer_No   = CCustomer.Customer_No
 -- Below is the sub query that pulls the scrap sales value per pound.
 --  The key point is that both shipments to our customers of real parts,
 --   and the 'shipments' of scrap metal sales come from the same tables,
 --  mainly Part_v_Part and Sales_v_Shipper, because of that the other 
--solutions for the 'join by closest date' in the forums don't work.

                     MONTH(SShipper.Ship_Date)       AS 'Scrap_Ship_Month'
                    ,YEAR(SShipper.SHip_Date)        AS 'Scrap_Ship_Year'
                    ,PPart.Grade                     AS  'Alloy'
                    ,AVG(AARIDist.Unit_Price)        AS 'Scrap_Value_per_lb'

                        Sales_v_Shipper               AS  SShipper
                  JOIN  Sales_v_Shipper_Line          AS  SS_Line
                    ON  SShipper.Shipper_Key = SS_Line.Shipper_Key  
                  JOIN  Part_v_Part                   AS PPart
                    ON  SS_Line.Part_Key = PPart.Part_Key
                  JOIN  Common_v_Customer             AS  CCustomer
                    ON  SShipper.Customer_No = CCustomer.Customer_No

                WHERE CCustomer.Customer_Code     = 'Scrap_Vendor'
                AND SSHipper.Ship_Date <= @Date_To

            GROUP BY
               ) AS tbl_ScrapValue
  ON  PPart.Grade = tbl_ScrapValue.Alloy 
        YEAR(SShipper.Ship_Date) = YEAR(tbl_ScrapValue.Scrap_Ship_Year)
        MONTH(SShipper.Ship_Date) =(tbl_ScrapValue.Scrap_Ship_Month)

    AND SShipper.Ship_Date >= @Date_From
    AND SSHipper.Ship_Date <= @Date_To      

Here's a sample output from the query above, as you can see the 'Scrap_Value_per_lb' is failing:


Industry              Ship_Date         Serial_No Alloy Scap_Value_per_lb
Material Processing 17-Oct-16 4:47:00 PM S472091  C182 NULL 
Material Processing 17-Oct-16 4:47:00 PM S472210  C182 NULL 
Material Processing 17-Oct-16 4:47:00 PM S472211  C182 NULL 
Electronics         17-Oct-16 4:27:00 PM S436738  C180 NULL 
Electronics         17-Oct-16 4:27:00 PM S463290  C180 NULL 
Electronics         17-Oct-16 4:27:00 PM S463315  C180 NULL 
Electronics         17-Oct-16 4:27:00 PM S463327  C180 NULL 
Electronics         17-Oct-16 4:27:00 PM S463333  C180 NULL 
Electronics         17-Oct-16 4:27:00 PM S463345  C180 NULL 
Electronics         17-Oct-16 4:27:00 PM S463354  C180 NULL 


This was edited a second time @7am 10/19/2016 to simplify code further, added comments in code to clarify based on feedback from others.


  • I spent a couple of hours thinking about this question and boiled the sample code down even further and re-posted the question here.

    I think it makes more sense and I thank all of you who responded and tried to help answer what I wrote. It helped but I still could not get it to work.