I'm trying to retrieve an "ID" from a WMI object right after persisting it.
After building up the instance, I persist it like so:
hRes = pSvc->PutInstance(pNewInstance, 0, pCtx, &pResult);
All fine and dandy -- it makes it's way into WMI. I then use my pResult
, which is IWbemCallResult **ppCallResult
to call IWbemCallResult::GetResultObject
like so:
IWbemClassObject *ppResultObject = NULL;
hRes = pResult->GetResultObject(WBEM_INFINITE, &ppResultObject);
Great. hRes
is S_OK
and I appear to have an instance I can retrieve properties on by using IWbemClassObject::Get
... so I do:
hRes = ppResultObject->Get(L"ID", 0, &v, 0, 0);
No matter the value that actually exists as the "ID", the value in the VARIANT is 0. I can't get the other properties I set on it either (they're also 0). I've tried countless variations of this code flow, using ->Get(CComBSTR("ID")...
, ->Get(_bstr_t("ID")...
, etc...
is S_OK
on this Get too.
If I wrap it all in a try{}catch(...){}
, it enters the catch, but I don't know how to determine the exception type or why it would fail. Is there something wrong with this logic or syntax? How can I determine what is going wrong with the Get(L"ID"...
This is my 3rd week in C++. Please help me not hate it so much.
Edit: Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example (as complete and verifiable as it can be without access to my machine and WMI connection):
myNamespace::myWMIWrapper::createUser(User_t * user)
IWbemLocator * pIWbemLocator = NULL;
HRESULT hRes = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WbemLocator,NULL,CLSCTX_ALL,IID_IWbemLocator, (LPVOID *) &pIWbemLocator);
if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
BSTR combinedUserName = NULL;
if (m_username != NULL && m_domainname != NULL)
combinedUserName =_bstr_t(m_domainname) + _bstr_t(_T("\\")) + _bstr_t(m_username);
hRes = pIWbemLocator->ConnectServer(
m_namespace, // machine name and namespace
combinedUserName, // Userid
m_password, // PW
NULL, // Locale
0, // flags
NULL, // Authority
pWCtx, // Context
&pWbemServices );
if (FAILED(hRes))
LOGGER << _T("Could not connect to the WMI server. Error code = ") << hRes ;
pIWbemLocator = NULL;
return false;
hRes = NULL;
IWbemClassObject *pNewClass = NULL;
BSTR myClassName = SysAllocString(L"My_Class");
hRes = pWbemServices->GetObject(myClassName, 0, NULL, &pNewClass, NULL);
if (FAILED(hRes))
LOGGER << _T("hRes failed. Couldn't find class using GetObject with class name:");
LOGGER << className;
if (pNewClass == NULL) {
LOGGER << _T(" No My_Class class Object was found using query.");
return false;
LOGGER << _T("Class definition from WMI is found.");
IWbemClassObject *pNUser = NULL;
LOGGER << _T(" Creating an instance of My_Class.");
hRes = S_OK;
hRes = pNewClass->SpawnInstance(NULL, &pNUser);
if (FAILED(hRes)) {
LOGGER << _T(" My_Class Object can not be instansiated.");
return false;
LOGGER << _T(" Updating properties of My_Class found by WMI query");
if (user->getFirstName() != NULL) {
_variant_t v(user->getFirstName()->c_str());
LOGGER << _T(" Updating property FIRSTNAME->") << V_BSTR(&v) ;
pNuser->Put(L"FIRSTNAME", 0, &v, 0);
if (user->getLastName() != NULL) {
_variant_t v(user->getLastName()->c_str());
LOGGER <<_T(" Updating property LASTNAME->")<< V_BSTR(&v) ;
pNuser->Put(L"LASTNAME", 0, &v, 0);
LOGGER << _T(" Persisting My_Class information");
IWbemCallResult *pCallRes;
hRes = pWbemServices->PutInstance(pNuser, WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE, NULL, &pCallRes);
if (FAILED(hRes)) {
LOGGER << _T(" Persisting of the My_Class object failed.");
return false;
_variant_t vnt = NULL;
IWbemClassObject *objPtr = NULL;
LOGGER << _T(" calling ->GetResultObject()");
hRes = pCallRes->GetResultObject(WBEM_INFINITE, &objPtr);
if (FAILED(hRes)) {
LOGGER << _T(" calling GetResultObject failed");
return false;
LOGGER << _T("Calling ->Get(ID) on instance retrieved from GetResultObject.");
try {
// This line gets executed before entering catch(...)
hRes = objPtr->Get(L"ID", 0, &vnt, NULL, NULL);
catch (const std::exception& ex) {
LOGGER << _T(" problem with Get") << ex.what();
catch (...) { // I'm entering this catch block.
LOGGER << _T(" unknown exception...............");
return true;
I resolved the issue by changing
hRes = pCallRes->GetResultObject(WBEM_INFINITE, &objPtr);
BSTR objPath = NULL;
hRes = pCallRes->GetResultString(WBEM_INFINITE, &objPath);
hRes = pWbemServices->GetObject(objPath, 0, NULL, &objPtr, NULL);
which made vnt
hRes = objPtr->Get(L"ID", 0, &vnt, NULL, NULL);
not be 0
It appears that there was some processing being done on the instance before it was actually persisted, so the result object
that was being retrieved wasn't "ready". When I GetResultString
and re-get the object based on that object path, it had the values available in it. Go figure.