So I've extended default User class as ;
public class AUser : IdentityUser<int, AUserLogin, AUserRole, AUserClaim>, IUser , IXmlSerializable
public virtual DateTime LastActivity { get; set; }
And I've a method to update user activity
public async void UpdateUserActivity(string userName)
var user = _userManager.FindByName(userName);
user.LastActivity = DateTime.UtcNow;
await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user);
My purpose here is to keep track of last activity time of users. By last activity time i mean the last time user did any action on the application.
I was planning to call the update method after each request is executed. However, it means executing an update on the database for each request. That sounded expensive to me.
Question : where shall i call it? Is there any better way to keep track of user last activity?
You could use the OnActionExecuted event inside a controller to keep track of the user activity and write the activity log for all users into an application wide object using HttpContext.Application
. To keep the traffic to your database low you could implement a global background thread, that reads the local stored activity data and writes them into youir database after a fixed time (e.g. once per minute).
You would have less database traffic, but the activity data would not be 100% up to date. Depending on your database update cycle.