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append '01-' to strong parameter on rails controller

I have a form that uses jQuery datepicker for picking just the month and year.

                  format: 'mm-yyyy', 
                  startView: "months", 
                  minViewMode: "months" 

I have postgreSQL db on the backend with datetime column storing this date which apparently needs date in full format 'dd-mm-yyyy' to save it. While POSTing the form to my controller, this is what i came across:

Experience.update(date_from: '02-2016') updates the table with nil value for date_from column

So, the question is how can i append '01-' into this date_from param that i receive from POST request on the controller as Strong parameters.


  • Use the ISO8601 Date format (2016-10-21).

                      format: 'yyyy-mm-dd', 
                      startView: "months", 
                      minViewMode: "months" 

    You can parse it with Date.iso8601(str) or DateTime.iso8601(str).

    I would create a model level setter which handles this:

    class Experience < ActiveRecord::Base # or ApplicationRecord
      def date_from=(val)
         super( val.is_a?(String) ? Date.iso8601(val) : val )

    This means you don't have to worry about the params on the controller level. Just whitelist it like any other scalar value and let your model do the work.

    I would just store the values as a DATE type (as the first day of the month). Thats gives you the maximum flexibility when comes to DB querying and also a sane format when you pull records so that you don't have to parse a string again.