I'm using objectARX and trying to create a new document. What i'm doing first is to run AutoCad.
Process acadApp = new Process();
acadApp.StartInfo.FileName = "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/AutoCAD 2015/acad.exe";
acadApp.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized;
Then the problem is when I wait until the instance of Acad is ready. I can't get The process by his name with the Process class because Autocad window is not ready yet and I can't create the AcadApplication instance. It only works when Autocad is completely loaded so I use .
bool checkInstance = true;
//This piece of pure shit listen for an Acad instnce until this is opened
while (checkInstance)
var checkinstance = Marshal.GetActiveObject("AutoCAD.Application");
checkInstance = false;
catch (Exception ex)
//Once the acad instance is opende The show starts
Thread jili2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => acadG.AcadGrid(Convert.ToInt32(grid.floorHeight), Convert.ToInt32(grid.floorWidth), grid.numFloors)));
// MessageBox.Show("I don't know why it was executed");
The acadGrid Method running in the thread creates a new document in AutoCad and then draws a grid. It sometimes works and sometimes not, and when it works it uses even 50% of CPU. Sometimes i gett this exception.
and Application.GetAcadState
can help:
Process acadProc = new Process();
acadProc.StartInfo.FileName = "C:/Program Files/Autodesk/AutoCAD 2015/acad.exe";
acadProc.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized;
if (!acadProc.WaitForInputIdle(300000))
throw new ApplicationException("Acad takes too much time to start.");
AcadApplication acadApp;
while (true)
acadApp = Marshal.GetActiveObject("AutoCAD.Application.20");
catch (COMException ex)
const uint MK_E_UNAVAILABLE = 0x800401e3;
if ((uint) ex.ErrorCode != MK_E_UNAVAILABLE) throw;
while (true)
AcadState state = acadApp.GetAcadState();
if (state.IsQuiescent) break;