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How to pass a subroutine as a parameter to another subroutine

I want to pass a subroutine as a parameter to another subroutine.

Subroutine question should be passed as parameter to subroutine answer? How can I do it with Perl?


sub question {
    print "question the term";

sub answer() {
    print "subroutine question is used as parameters";


  • You can take subroutine reference using \&subname syntax and then, you can easily pass it to other subroutine as arguments like a scalar. This is documented in perlsub and perlref. Later you can dereference it using Arrow operator(->).

    sub question {
        print "question the term";
        return 1;
    my $question_subref = \&question;
    sub answer {
        my $question_subref = shift;
        print "subroutine question is used as parameters";
        # call it using arrow operator if needed
        $question_subref -> ();
        return 1;

    Or you can create an anonymous subroutine by not naming it. It may lead to interesting case of closures

    my $question = sub  {
                            print "question the term";
                            return 1;
    # you can call it using arrow operator later.
    $question -> ();