For demonstration purposes, the app has one activity that simply offers this:
You click a button, view a rewarded video, and you are rewarded with whatever.
The Problem
How can I load the videos? From what I have seen you can only call mAd.loadAd()
once. There are 3 videos, each with their own AD UNIT ID. Each ad unit can have its own listener, but only one video loads so it doesn't matter...
When trying to load multiple videos
For example:
mAd1.loadAd("AD_UNIT_1", new AdRequest.Builder().build());
mAd2.loadAd("AD_UNIT_2", new AdRequest.Builder().build());
mAd3.loadAd("AD_UNIT_3", new AdRequest.Builder().build());
results in only the last video being loaded and this in log:
W/Ads: Loading already in progress, saving this object for future refreshes.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mAd1 = MobileAds.getRewardedVideoAdInstance(this);
mAd2 = MobileAds.getRewardedVideoAdInstance(this);
mAd3 = MobileAds.getRewardedVideoAdInstance(this);
mAd1.loadAd() etc
Thank you for your help
Edit: It's clear I am thinking about this problem wrong. I have 5+ ad zones that each will play a rewarded video and give a different reward (for example, one gives coins, one gives a level up, and so on..). There is no reason to load 5 videos. I should load one in onCreate()
, so it's ready when needed, then load it again after the item is rewarded so it's ready for next time.
So the question remains, if there is just the one video, and thus one ad zone, being loaded onCreate()
then how can I track what reward to give?
Here's a simple solution...
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mAd = MobileAds.getRewardedVideoAdInstance(this);
mAd.setRewardedVideoAdListener(new RewardedVideoAdListener() {
public void onRewarded(RewardItem rewardItem) {
switch(Constants.currentAd) {
//do something
Constants.currentAd = "";
//do something
Constants.currentAd = "";
//do something
Constants.currentAd = "";
mAd.loadAd("REWARDED_VIDEO_UNIT_ID", new AdRequest.Builder().build());
public void showRewardedVideo() {
if (mAd.isLoaded()) {;
public class Constants {
public static String currentAd = "";
Showing the ad after button click
rewardButton1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
Constants.currentAd = "REWARD1";
((MainActivity) getActivity()).showRewardedVideo();
REWARDED_VIDEO_UNIT_ID is one ad unit for rewarded video in AdMob...remove the rest. No need for other units, you can track whatever you like in the listener.