I am messing around with some web scraping using Splinter but have this issue. The html basically has loads of li
only some of which I am interested in. The ones I am interested in have a bid value. Now, I know for Beautiful Soup I can do
tab = browser.find_by_css('li', {'bid': '18663145091'})
but this doesn't seem to work for splinter. I get an error saying:
find_by_css() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
This is a sample of my html:
<li class="rugby" bid="18663145091">
<span class="info">
<div class="points">
<img alt="Leinster" height="19" src="..Leinster" width="26"/>
It looks like you are using find_by_css()
method as if it was a BeautifulSoup
method. Instead, provide a valid CSS selector checking the value of the bid
tab = browser.find_by_css('li[bid=18663145091]')