I'm getting some file from some link(basically anchor href) using ajax then I'm sending the content to node server as follows:
<a class="myTag" href="/getFiledata?uid=7674&&pass=75876789">Download</a>
jQuery.get(jQuery("a.myTag").attr("href"), function(data, status){
console.log("typeof data: ",typeof data);
url : 'https://7c099919.ngrok.io/fildta?fileTyp=naukriDta',
type : 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json',
data : JSON.stringify({bdy:data}),
processData: false, // tell jQuery not to process the data
success : function(data) {
console.log("Data: ",data );
I'm listning and writing data on server as follows:
function(req, res, next){
var fd=path.join(__dirname,"../upld/tmp.pdf");
console.log("req body: ",JSON.stringify(req.body));
fs.writeFile(fd, req.body.bdy, function(err) {
if (err){
console.log(fd,"\n\n\n\n\n Can not write to above file:\n\n",err);
}else {
console.log(fd,' is Done');
console.log("req query: ",req.query);
res.send({"msg":"File is uploaded"});
but when I do read created pdf file using any reader it shows blank but when I read its content using notepad++ the content is same as It was on client.
the content of file is as follows:
Data: %PDF-1.5
24 0 obj
/Linearized 1
/L 121184
/H [ 1971 370 ]
/O 26
/E 98912
/N 4
/T 120577
24 70
0000000017 00000 n
0000001869 00000 n
0000002341 00000 n
0000002744 00000 n
0000002924 00000 n
0000003187 00000 n
0000003532 00000 n
0000003720 00000 n
0000003999 00000 n
0000008165 00000 n
0000008222 00000 n
0000008397 00000 n
0000008655 00000 n
0000008884 00000 n
0000009034 00000 n
0000009064 00000 n
0000009246 00000 n
0000009328 00000 n
0000009601 00000 n
0000018049 00000 n
0000018198 00000 n
0000018570 00000 n
0000018753 00000 n
0000019026 00000 n
0000025387 00000 n
0000025414 00000 n
0000025569 00000 n
0000025599 00000 n
0000025786 00000 n
0000026064 00000 n
0000036489 00000 n
0000036867 00000 n
0000037320 00000 n
0000037509 00000 n
0000037787 00000 n
0000045277 00000 n
0000045492 00000 n
0000045642 00000 n
0000045672 00000 n
0000045854 00000 n
0000046128 00000 n
0000061832 00000 n
0000062215 00000 n
0000062645 00000 n
0000062828 00000 n
0000063102 00000 n
0000069388 00000 n
0000069443 00000 n
0000069592 00000 n
0000069622 00000 n
0000069803 00000 n
0000070073 00000 n
0000073366 00000 n
0000073411 00000 n
0000073718 00000 n
0000073873 00000 n
0000073903 00000 n
0000074090 00000 n
0000074369 00000 n
0000083843 00000 n
0000084123 00000 n
0000084551 00000 n
0000084699 00000 n
0000084729 00000 n
0000084909 00000 n
0000085193 00000 n
0000093386 00000 n
0000093570 00000 n
0000093941 00000 n
0000001971 00000 n
/Size 94
/Prev 120566
/Info 23 0 R
/Root 25 0 R
/ID [<4e891be7c450bedc9528eba318fe1823><4e891be7c450bedc9528eba318fe1823>]
25 0 obj
/Type /Catalog
/Pages 22 0 R
/Lang (en-IN)
/MarkInfo << /Marked true >>
93 0 obj
/S 188
/Filter /FlateDecode
/Length 280
x�c```b``������*� Ȁ
I'm naive in MIME-TYPE and file content concept. I think somewhere I'm missing to set certain data(MIME-TYPE,content-type etc) before writing the file.
Basically My aim is to redirect the file got from anchor to my node server.
As @Tomalak suggested to use xhr2. I just added responseType/dataType to blob/binary depending upon javascript/jQuery it worked.
the client code is as follows: - First method:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', jQuery("a.myTag").attr("href"), true);
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onload = function(e) {
if (this.status == 200) {
// get binary data as a response
var blob = this.response;
var base64data;
var reader = new window.FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
base64data = reader.result;
var myDta={bdy:base64data};
url : 'https://7c099919.ngrok.io/fildta?fileTyp=naukriDta',
type : 'POST',
data : myDta,
success : function(data) {
Second method
url: jQuery("a.myTag").attr("href"),
type: "GET",
dataType: "binary",
processData: false,
success: function(result){
// same stuffs with binary data as above
The server code is as follows:
function(req, res, next){
var fd=path.join(__dirname,"../upld/tmp.pdf");
console.log("req body: ",JSON.stringify(req.body));
var base64Data = req.body.bdy.replace(/^data:application\/pdf;base64,/, "");
console.log("base64Data ",base64Data);
fs.writeFile(fd, base64Data,'base64', function(err) {
if (err){
console.log(fd,"\n\n\n\n\n Can not write to above file:\n\n",err);
}else {
console.log(fd,' is Done');
console.log("req query: ",req.query);
res.send({"msg":"File is uploaded"});
Wohoo.. It worked :)
Strictly speaking XHR2 isn't HTML5. However, it's part of the incremental improvements browser vendors are making to the core platform.