For Example this is my Vertex:
[label:songs, id:4336, name:testsong123, likeCount:0 ]
What I have to do:
I want to increment the "likeCount" when ever user likes the song and decrement the "likeCount" whenever a user unlike the song.
What I am doing now:
By default how I am doing is to get the vertex by id and add "+1" to "likeCount",then update to database.similar for decrement,add -1 to the "likeCount" and update to database.
Alternative: Is there any way to just increment or decrement without a get call.
If you don't have a reference to the vertex, then you have little choice but to look it up (i.e. get it). The lookup should not be a large problem as you intend to lookup by id which should not be very expensive.