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realexpayment-got an error message after successful payment

I am using realexpayment with amember-5.1.5 and using test account of realexpayment system.

when I signup and make payment using test card I am getting the following message and it does not redirect back to our site:

Your transaction has been successful but there was a problem connecting back to the merchant's web site. Please contact the merchant and advise them that you received this error message.


  • What this means is that our Hosted Payment Page (HPP) was not able to connect to the Response URL you provided us. This URL is specified in the HTTP POST in the field MERCHANT_RESPONSE_URL.

    It must be a publicly accessible endpoint so our HPP can connect to it. Your Realex Payments account manager will be able to provide more information on the response we received from your server when we tried to connect to your Response URL, if you can provide to them the relevant Client ID and Order ID.


    Seán MacDomhnall

    Realex Payments