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How to display a feature value in Prestashop?

I work with Prestashop and I'd like display a feature value of a product within the product list (where you see a list of products) below its name.

We sell garments and in the BO I created a custom feature value (the material of garments, like Cashmere for example) and I'd like to display this value below its name on the product list.

I had added this following code to display the feature value on the product.tpl and it works only there.. I think this variable it's not a "global, public" variable (I just play with PHP, I'm not an expert)

{foreach from=$features item=feature}
<tr class="{cycle values="odd,even"}">
{if isset($feature.value)}


  • Have you tried using $product.features instead of $features in your product-list.tpl file ?

    Something like this :

    {foreach from=$product.features item=feature}
    <tr class="{cycle values="odd,even"}">
    {if isset($feature.value)}