Not the best practice, but what I want is to store an array of objects containing type and datetime. I use it for sending out mail, and I dont want to spam mail, but limit so a type only sends out mail every 15 minutes:
var sendMail = true;
var emailType = "test" // set for test
var log = []
var tempLog = global.get("emaillog")
// read the log from global variables
if ( typeof tempLog !== 'undefined' && tempLog )
log = tempLog
// search the log
for (var i = 0, len = log.length; i < len; i++)
var logElement = log[i]
var logElementEmailType = logElement.Type
var logElementEmailDateTime = logElement.DateTime
var dif = new Date() - logElementEmailDateTime;
if (logElementEmailType == emailType && Math.abs(dif/1000) < (60*5))
sendMail = false
// add to log
var newLogElement =
DateTime: new Date(),
Type: mailType
// save global variable
But this not work, spamming me down hard :D
I believe that dif is in miliseconds. You divide it by 1000 and get microseconds.