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programmatically get UDID for a demo app?

There are two parts to this question;

First, is there a way to get user's UDID and automatically add it to certified device list?

Second, can Ad hoc be used as a demo app (Documents mentioned testers and other developers but not potentials customers/employers)?


  • If my answer helps you I would be happy!

    Answer 1 :

    UDID Finding Process

    1. Open the following link in your iOS device :
    2. Click on Tap to find your UDID
    3. It will lead you to Install Profile where you can find INSTALL in top right corner. Tap on it
    4. Now you will be redirected to a webpage which will show you the UDID. Share that ID to developer team.

    Answer 2 :

    1. Archive your project to create .ipa file.
    2. Upload your .ipa file to this link to create app link.
    3. Provide the link to your testing team.

    Note: This link is not permanent and will expire within a month.