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Converting a data frame into adjacency matrix/edge list for network analysis

I am trying to convert a data frame from an online forum into a social network, however I don't know how to transform the data into an adjacency matrix/edge list needed for network analysis.

My code is as follows:

library(igraph) <- as.matrix(data.2002[,2:3])  
g.2002 <-, directed=FALSE)  
plot(g.2002, vertex.size = 1, vertex.label=NA)  

I am using R for analysis. The current problem is that authors are linked to each other through the ThreadID, however when doing a network analysis, it includes the ThreadID as a node. Ideally i'd like an adjacency matrix / edge list that shows a 1 if an author interacts with all author on the same thread.

(First time posting, so let me know if there's anything that is missing/not proper)

Currently the data is as follows:

ThreadID    AuthorID
659289  193537
432269  136196
572531  170305
230003  32359
459059  47875
635953  181593
235116  51993


  • You could use an inner_join to get something like an edge list (just some mild reformatting needed).

    If I'm understanding correctly, test 1 should only have one connection, between author 193537 and 32359 who were on thread 659289.

    test1 <- data.frame(ThreadID = c(659289, 432269, 572531, 659289),
                     AuthorID = c(193537, 136196, 170305, 32359))
    test2 <- dplyr::inner_join(test1, test1, by = "ThreadID")[,-1]
    test3 <- apply(test2, 2, as.character) #AuthorID as character will become vertex ID

    Check that you get what you expected:

    library(network) <- network(test3, directed = FALSE)
    plot(, label ="vertex.names")