Using OData V3(#ref) or V4(#links) with in WebApi 2+ Controller and handling relationships:
Are Switch Statements the only way?
These 2 resources for each seem to indicate the necessity of a switch case for each navigation property.
switch (navigationProperty)
case "Supplier":
// Note: The code for GetKeyFromUri is shown later in this topic.
var relatedKey = Helpers.GetKeyFromUri<int>(Request, link);
var supplier = await db.Suppliers.SingleOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == relatedKey);
if (supplier == null)
return NotFound();
product.Supplier = supplier;
return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented);
Question: Am I supposed to hard code a switch statement for each navigation property, and if so, is there a way to have this auto-magically scaffold?
I had the problem like this (v4), and I solved it by using the base controller example. There are 2 base controllers: for navigation (your case) and the CRUD operations - the 3th is example of usage. The code is not so clean (I have been trying to remove unnecessary details) but I think the idea is pretty clear. I do not think that it is a best way to solve this problem, but I have not found any simpler way to add and delete properties by string. I would like to know more elegant answer. Sorry for my English.