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Error in Prolog Code in Asking questions to user [ Edited]

I'm new to the prolog language and I want to implement a 4 rules which they are

Rule 1:
if the environment is papers
or the environment is manuals
or the environment is documents
or the environment is textbooks
then stimulus_situation is verbal
Rule 2:
if the environment is pictures
if the environment is illustrations
if the environment is photographs
if the environment is diagrams
then stimulus_situation is visual
Rule 3:
if the environment is machines
if the environment is buildings
if the environment is tools
then stimulus_situation is 'physical object'
Rule 4:
if the environment is numbers
or the environment is formulas
or the environment is 'computer programs'
then stimulus_situation is symbolic

The System That I need to program in Prolog is : when typing go. the system asks the user to Enter the Environment, If the entered text is one of the Environments the system should output the stimulus_situation.

So, I tried to write this code but It doesn't work And I don't know why if you can help me with that.

go:- check(Env), write('enviroment is :'),write(Env),nl,undo.

check(verbal):- verbal,!.
check(visual):- visual,!.

verbal :- verify(enviroment).
visual :- verify(pictures).

ask(Question) :-
        write('What is the Env?!'),
        write(Question), write('? '),
         read(Response), nl,
         ( (Response == papers ; Response == manuals ; Response == manuals; Response == textbook)
         -> assert(yes(Question)) ;
         assert(no(Question)), fail).
:- dynamic yes/1,no/1.

verify(S) :- (yes(S) -> true ; (no(S) -> fail ; ask(S))).

I wrote it for the 2 rules in order to try but they won't work.

Thanks in Advance.


  • As I understood from your comments you could write:

    go:- ask("What is the Environment",Response), check(Response,Result),write('stimulus situation :'),write(Result).
    verify(X,Y) :- yes(X,Y) -> true.
    check(X,Y):- verify(X,Y),!.
    ask(Question,Response) :-
            write(Question), write('? '),
             read(Response), nl,
             ( (Response == papers ; Response == manuals ; Response == manuals; Response == textbook)
             -> assert(yes(Response,verbal)) ;
    :- dynamic yes/2.


             ?- go.
    What is the Environment? textbook.
    stimulus situation :verbal
    ?- go.
    What is the Environment? machines.
    stimulus situation :object