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How to run iisexpress in the background without blocking script?

I am currently trying to run iisexpress during appveyor build in order to run integration tests. However the script gets blocked at start /wait iisexpress /path:%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER% /port:%iis_port%. My windows scripting skills are not as good as I hoped and google has not been friendly so far. Here is the concerned bit of the script below:

cd \Program Files\IIS Express

start /wait iisexpress /path:%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER% /port:%iis_port%

echo "Start operations"

Here is a capture of where the script blocks


Any help is welcome.


  • I found what was the issue, actually I needed to add the parameter -PassThru to have the process running in the background.

    Here is my updated code:

    cd \Program Files\IIS Express
    start /wait iisexpress /path:%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER% /port:%iis_port% -PassThru
    echo "Start operations"

    And the new result:

    enter image description here