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How can we handle the done button click event for a Xamarin Forms Picker?

I want to fire a click event on the Done button on a Picker in Xamarin Forms. I found some people having custom render for entry, but how can we implement the done button in a Picker on Xamarin forms iOS?


  • You can use a custom renderer to achieve this. Looking at the source code for the Picker on iOS, you can see that the 'Done' button is added to a UIToolbar. You can get a reference to the button and then handle its 'Clicked' event:

    public class MyPickerRenderer : PickerRenderer
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Picker> e)
            if(e.OldElement != null)
                var toolbar = (UIToolbar)Control.InputAccessoryView;
                var doneBtn = toolbar.Items[1];
                doneBtn.Clicked -= DoneBtn_Clicked;
            if(e.NewElement != null)
                var toolbar = (UIToolbar)Control.InputAccessoryView;
                var doneBtn = toolbar.Items[1];
                doneBtn.Clicked += DoneBtn_Clicked;
        void DoneBtn_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)