I have just discovered you can get pagination results through the api by passing in the page parameter like so:
$projects = $client->get('projects/147/time-records?page=3')->getJson();
Is there a way of knowing how many time records a project has so I know how many times I need to paginate?
Alternatively, how would I go about retrieving several pages worth of data - i'm struggling with the code!
I have created an issue on Github - will await a response.
For now, I do the following:
// Get all the projects
// Set the page number
$page = 1;
// Create an empty array
$project_records = array();
// Get the first page of results
$project_records_results = $client->get('projects?page=' . $page)->getJson();
// Merge the results with base array
$project_records = array_merge($project_records, $project_records_results);
// Get the next page of results,
// if it returns something merge with the base array and continue
while ($project_records_results = $client->get('projects?page=' . ++$page)->getJson()) {
$project_records = array_merge($project_records, $project_records_results);