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Implementing paging with hibernate envers

I have written an envers query as below;

AuditReader reader = AuditReaderFactory.get(entityManager);
List<Object[]> changes = reader.createQuery()
    .forRevisionsOfEntity(cls, true, true)
    // Various conditions

What I would like to do is get the results in pages as can be done in PagingAndSortingRepository<T,ID>, I have this nearly working as shown below

int start = page.getOffset();
int end = (start + page.getPageSize()) > history.size() ? history.size() : (start + page.getPageSize());
Page page = new PageImpl<HistoryEntry>(history.subList(start, end), page, history.size());

My problem is that when done this way I can't sort the data as expected i.e. size=2&sort=action,desc does not sort no matter what value I use (asc/desc).

history is a list of objects with the following fields;

private String timestamp;
private String userName;
private String objectName;
private String objectType;
private String action;
private String field;
private String oldValue;
private String newValue;

In order to implement paging, filtering and sorting through envers would this need to be done through the original envers query or could paging look after this?


  • It appears that the PageImpl class expects the List<T> you provide in the constructor to be the subset of the rows for the given page, already pre-sorted. Therefore, we'll need to apply the sort operations as a part of the Envers query.

    List<Object[]> changes = reader.createQuery()
    .forRevisionsOfEntity( cls, true, false )
    // various predicate conditions
    .addOrder( "someField" ).desc() )

    Apply the sort this way will then allow the code where you selected the subset for the page from the results to work as intended.