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Polymer Custom Build Crisper Babel

Im using the example of the gulpfile.js that is provided in the polymer-init-custom-build project.

Im trying to optimize my code using Vulcanize Crisper Babel ( I add the following code to my gulpfile.js in order to make this and i have the following error:

The following tasks did not complete: default, output

Did you forget to signal async completion?

function source() {
 return project.splitSource()
// Add your own build tasks here!         
.pipe(gulpif('src/*.html', strip()))
.pipe(gulpif('**/*.{png,gif,jpg,svg}', images.minify()))
.pipe(gulpif('src/*.html', minifyInline()))
.pipe(gulpif('src/*.html', htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true})))
.pipe(project.rejoin()); // Call rejoin when you're finished

Is there any way to implement this?


  • Removing the vulcanize and crisper it works because both of those are handled by the library.

    Here is my final code that it works and make vulcanize crisper and babel:

     * Copyright (c) 2016 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
    'use strict';
    const path = require('path');
    const gulp = require('gulp');
    const gulpif = require('gulp-if');
    // Got problems? Try logging 'em
    // const logging = require('plylog');
    // logging.setVerbose();
    // !!! IMPORTANT !!! //
    // Keep the global.config above any of the gulp-tasks that depend on it
    global.config = {
      polymerJsonPath: path.join(process.cwd(), 'polymer.json'),
      build: {
        rootDirectory: 'build',
        bundledDirectory: 'bundled',
        unbundledDirectory: 'unbundled',
        // Accepts either 'bundled', 'unbundled', or 'both'
        // A bundled version will be vulcanized and sharded. An unbundled version
        // will not have its files combined (this is for projects using HTTP/2
        // server push). Using the 'both' option will create two output projects,
        // one for bundled and one for unbundled
        bundleType: 'both'
      // Path to your service worker, relative to the build root directory
      serviceWorkerPath: 'service-worker.js',
      // Service Worker precache options based on
      swPrecacheConfig: {
        navigateFallback: '/index.html'
    const clean = require('./gulp-tasks/clean.js');
    const images = require('./gulp-tasks/images.js');
    const uglify =  require('gulp-uglify');
    const htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin');
    const project = require('./gulp-tasks/project.js');
    var minifyInline = require('gulp-minify-inline');
    var strip = require('gulp-strip-comments');
    const babel = require('gulp-babel');
    var crisper = require('gulp-crisper');
    // The source task will split all of your source files into one
    // big ReadableStream. Source files are those in src/** as well as anything
    // added to the sourceGlobs property of polymer.json.
    // Because most HTML Imports contain inline CSS and JS, those inline resources
    // will be split out into temporary files. You can use gulpif to filter files
    // out of the stream and run them through specific tasks. An example is provided
    // which filters all images and runs them through imagemin
    function source() {
      return project.splitSource()
        .pipe(gulpif('**/*.js', uglify()))
                presets: ['es2015']
        .pipe(gulpif('src/**/*.html', strip()))
        .pipe(gulpif('**/*.{png,gif,jpg,svg}', images.minify()))
        .pipe(gulpif('src/**/*.html', minifyInline()))
        .pipe(gulpif('src/**/*.html', htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true})))    
    // Call rejoin when you're finished
    // The dependencies task will split all of your bower_components files into one
    // big ReadableStream
    // You probably don't need to do anything to your dependencies but it's here in
    // case you need it :)
    function dependencies() {
      return project.splitDependencies()
        .pipe(gulpif('**/*.js', uglify()))
        .pipe(gulpif('**/*.html', strip()))
        .pipe(gulpif('**/*.{png,gif,jpg,svg}', images.minify()))
        .pipe(gulpif('**/*.html', minifyInline()))
        .pipe(gulpif('**/*.html', htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true})))
    // Clean the build directory, split all source and dependency files into streams
    // and process them, and output bundled and unbundled versions of the project
    // with their own service workers
    gulp.task('default', gulp.series([,
      project.merge(source, dependencies),