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Using SQL to determine cidr value of a subnet mask

I'd like to find a way to do a SQL query that will calculate the cidr (bit representation) of a subnet mask stored in the database. So for example, I've got either or its decimal value (4294967040) stored in the database. I'd like to do a select and get back /24 representation via the query.

I've done things like the following to determine the last IP of a subnet so I'm hoping to do something similar to determine the cidr representation of a mask.

select concat(inet_ntoa(ip_addr),'-',
    inet_ntoa(ip_addr+(POWER(2,32)-ip_mask-1))) range 
from subnets 
order by ip_addr

Preferably this would be a SQL statement that would work under mysql, postgres, oracle etc.


  • I think I have found the solution to my issue. Here is what I have done:

    select CONCAT(INET_NTOA(ip_addr),'/',32-log2((4294967296-ip_mask))) net 
    from subnets 
    order by ip_addr

    Basically I take my decmial mask and subtract it from the maximum decimal value. I then to a log2 on that value to get the logarithm value. Then simply subtract that from 32 (the maximum bit available).

    Hope that helps others.
