got stuck in a exercise and could need som help!
Exercise: Create a function that takes the list:
[123, 4, 125, 69, 155]
as argument. The function should multiply all even numbers by 1 and add 6 to all odd numbers. Answer with the modified list sorted in numerical order, descending.
my code so far is.
list1 = [123, 4, 125, 69, 155]
def multi():
for num in list1:
if num % 2 == 0:
num * 1
num + 6
return list1
In the answer i put `def multi():
the answer i get is
[123, 4, 125, 69, 155] <class 'list'>
and the correct answer is [161,131,129,75,4]
could anyone please point me in the right way?
Thank you.
You are modify the for loop variable num itself and not the original list value Code below should do the job
list1 = [123, 4, 125, 69, 155]
def multi():
for i,num in enumerate(list1):
if num % 2 == 0:
num *= 1
num += 6
list1[i] = num # modify list value
return sorted(list1)[::-1] # this do sorting then reverse from large to small