I have the following tables in the database:
Table C Table B Table A
------- ------- -------
Id Id Id
The BId column is a foreign key to TableB. AId is a foreign key to TableA. I want to delete all rows from Table C that is connected to a row in TableA. The following SQL (used in SQL Management Studio) does the trick:
DELETE [ns].[TableC]
FROM [ns].[TableC] c
JOIN [ns].[TableB] b ON c.[BId] = b.[Id]
WHERE b.[AId] = 530
I tried using the following code:
var query = connection.From<TableC>()
.Join<TableC, TableB>((c, b) => c.BId == b.Id)
.Where<TableB>(b => b.AId == 530);
But this results in an exception and from calling GetLastSql() I get:
DELETE FROM "ns"."TableC" WHERE ("ns"."TableB"."AId" = @0)
How can I use ServiceStack OrmLite to accomplish this delete?
Support for DELETE TABLE JOINS were just recently added to OrmLite and is available from v4.5.1 that's now available on MyGet.