I am using ng-hide to hide back button and show it in required pages. In app.js I have following code where i am declaring the initial value to true:
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap', 'ui.router', 'ui.mask', 'ngSanitize', 'ngAnimate', 'input-digits', 'input-phone','dailyTips']).run(function ($rootScope) {
$rootScope.hideNavBackBtn = true;
And after that in each controller where I want back button to be shown I am setting value as:
$rootScope.hideNavBackBtn = false;
But when I come back to the previous page the back button is there, this should not happen. Only for the specific pages where I have declared value as false the back button should show.
How to rectify this issue?
What my understanding is app.js is already loaded so when I come back the $rootScope value will remain as false. If my understanding is correct how to rectify it?
In app.js file config function were I have declared different state like:
.state('home.overview', {
url: '/overview',
templateUrl: 'modules/Overview.html',
In this if I define controller and set value to true. Then the back button will not be visible. But then I have to define the $rootscope value in every state I create, that dont look like viable solution.
Your $rootScope.hideNavBackBtn = true;
is only executed once, when your Angular module is initialized.
You change the value ($rootScope.hideNavBackBtn = false;
) only in some controller to set it to false
. You never set it to true
what you can do is to set it to true
on the ng-click
of this button.