When comparing files, I like to use vimdiff
(or vim -d
) and I know a recommended way of copying changes with vimdiff is:
]c - advance to the next block with differences
[c - reverse search for the previous block with differences
do (diff obtain) - bring changes from the other file to the current file
dp (diff put) - send changes from the current file to the other file
and I also know that
is the same as do
is the same as dp
All these commands work perfectly (including:diffput
), but when I input dp
, nothing changes and an error sound is produced.
I think this is because of a hotkey mapping conflict with vim-fugitive, which has a hotkey dp
dp :Git! diff (p for patch; use :Gw to apply)
dp :Git add --intent-to-add (untracked files)
How to fix this problem? Thank you.
You can still invoke the built-in mapping via :normal! dp
If you need this multiple times, better undefine the original buffer-local mapping:
:nunmap <buffer> dp
However, as @Kent has commented, fugitive's dp
mapping is only active in a preview window (cp. :h fugitive-:Gstatus
). Since you should use normal windows for diffing and merging, there shouldn't be an overlap.