I have a quastion regarding AX workflows.
I remove an automated task from existing workflow. I saved and versionized corectlly without any erros and finally I activate the saved version with success.
I create some SalesOrders and triger the workflow , then I can see under the "workflow History form" in "SalesOrders form" that these orders still follow the old workflow and not the new one.
What options I have in order my SalesOrders follow the newest (and already activated ) workflow
*CIL compile or AOS restart is not an option (Prod System)
Thanks, Nikos
I found the solution for this specific problem that at least worked for me. I delete the individual bach jobs for worflow messaging.
Workflow due date processing, Workflow line-item notifications, Workflow message processing,
I open the workflow infostracture configurator....and recreate them. Now my orders follow the correct workflow.