This is the main index.php file where I run my code to generate a video thumbnail with ffmpeg but it has no lucks at all I have been searching online for a lot of solution but nothing comes out i will be very appreciate if you guys can help me out. The shell_exec() keep giving me error
<form action="index.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="upload">
$ffmpeg = "/Users/mac/Documents/ffmpeg/3.1.4/bin/ffmpeg";
$videoFile = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];
$imageFile = "1.jpg";
$size = "320x240";
$getFromSecond = 5;
$cmd = "$ffmpeg -i $videoFile -an -ss $getFromSecond -s $size $imageFile 2>&1";
echo shell_exec($cmd);
echo shell_exec('whoami');
echo "thumbnail created";
echo "error creating thumbnail";
The user which is attempting to run this file does not have the correct permissions (usually www-data
). To test this theory, try running with sudo
shell_exec('sudo -u user -p pass -s $ffmpeg -i $videoFile -an -ss $getFromSecond -s $size $imageFile 2>&1');
You could also configure Apache to run your virtual host as a different user other than www-data
or change permissions to the files you would like www-data
to access: