I'm writing a product using Python Dexterity Type, and I have Title
and Description
, this fields come from a behavior plone.app.dexterity.behaviors.metadata.IDublinCore
, but I neeed reorder this fields with my fields.
My fields: document, collage, age, biography
IDublinCore: Title, Description
The order: collage, Title, document, age, biography, Description
How I Do it?
Since you got your own Dexterity Type you can handle with form directives
aka setting taggedValues
on the interface.
from plone.autoform import directives
class IYourSchema(model.Schema):
collage = schema.TextLine(
You find excellent documentation about this feature in the plone documentation http://docs.plone.org/external/plone.app.dexterity/docs/reference/form-schema-hints.html#appearance-related-directives