I want this particular date-time to be converted to epoch but it is giving me format error. what format should i use to do the following so that it can be json rendered. "2016-10-14 14:34:14+00:00". I am using python 2.7 and django 1.10
stra = "instance[0].Timing"
formata = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+00:00"
timing = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(stra, formata))
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(
{'result': 'True'
'timing': timing,
Actually in django datetime object are converted in epoch as following way.
Emample 1
import datetime
current_date = datetime.datetime.now()
epoch = int(current_date.strftime("%s")) * 1000
Example 2
import datetime
date_object = datetime.datetime.strptime('Jun 1 2005 1:33PM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')
epoch = int(date_object.strftime("%s")) * 1000