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List images created by Docker for Mac using Docker Toolbox

From Docker's documentation, I read both Docker for Mac and the Docker Toolbox can coexist.

So I thought I could use these images created by Docker for Mac, but when I switched to Docker Toolbox, it turned out that I was wrong, because I entered docker images in Docker Quickstart and no image was listed.

Is there a way to achieve this?


  • Docker-for-Mac sets up a small virtual machine via hyperkit, which is a xhyve-based virtualization solution.

    The quickstart terminal also sets up a small virtual machine, but it uses the docker-machine tool to create a virtualbox VM.

    Both of these approaches are valid approaches to get a running Docker-in-a-vm-on-your-mac, but they are different VMs.

    Similarly, if I have a regular linux machine at my desk, and I pull an image, you won't see that image in the docker daemon on the linux machine at your desk.

    Both tools can coexist, but they don't share data.