How would you delete all artifacts that match a pattern (e.g older than 6 months old) from artifactory?
Using either curl, or the go library
The jfrog cli takes a 'spec file' to search for artifacts. See here for information on jfrog spec files
The jfrog cli documentation is available here:
Create an aql search query to find just the artifacts you want:
If your aql search syntax were like:
"modified" : { "$lt" : "2016-10-18T21:26:52.000Z" }
And you could find the artifacts like so:
curl -X POST -u admin:<api_key> -T foo.query
Then the spec file would be
"files": [
"aql": {
"items.find": {
"repo": "foobar",
"$or": [
"$and": [
"modified": { "$lt": "2016-10-18T21:26:52.000Z"}
And you would use the golang library like so:
jfrog rt del --spec /tmp/foo.spec --dry-run
Instead of modified, you can also do a relative date
"modified": { "$before":"6mo" }
If you get error 405 Method not allowed, verify you have an api or password correct, and try using PUT instead of POST