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rattle "Info" Score in Description of the dataset

Running descriptive statistics in rattle and need to know what "Info" is in the results. Have not been able to find any information in the vignette. Here is an example of what I'm speaking of:

      n missing  unique    Info    Sum    Mean 
  89588       0       2    0.61   25735  0.2873 

We believe it is a score of 0 to 1, but we are unable to find the exact definition.


  • The describe function used in Rattle comes from the package HMisc.

    In the documentation of HMisc::describe this is said about Info:

    For numeric variables, describe adds an item called Info which is a relative information measure using the relative efficiency of a proportional odds/Wilcoxon test on the variable relative to the same test on a variable that has no ties. Info is related to how continuous the variable is, and ties are less harmful the more untied values there are. The formula for Info is one minus the sum of the cubes of relative frequencies of values divided by one minus the square of the reciprocal of the sample size. The lowest information comes from a variable having only one unique values following by a highly skewed binary variable. Info is reported to two decimal places.