I am working on a homework assignment where I need to randomly print 20 lines of 20 RANDOM characters to the screen. I am extremely new to assembly language and don't understand why my loop won't end, even though I have ecx set to 20 and am decrementing each time.
currently the screen prints the random letters correctly, but never stops printing.
My code is as follow:
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
buffer byte 20 dup(?) ;buffer of size 20 initialized ?
L dword 20 ;length of size 20
main proc
mov ecx,L ;ecx = 20
call RandomString ;call Random String
dec ecx ;ecx --
cmp ecx,0 ;compare ecx to zero
jne l1 ;jump if not equal back to l1
call WaitMsg ;press any button to continue
main endp
RandomString PROC USES eax ecx edx
mov eax,26 ;eax = 26
call RandomRange ;call RandomRange
add eax, 'A' ;eax = random number between 0 and 25 + 'A'
mov buffer,al ;buffer = random letter
mov edx, OFFSET buffer ;edx = address of buffer
call WriteString ;write string to console
RandomString ENDP
end main
You keep resetting ecx:
mov ecx,L ;ecx = 20 <--set ecx to 20
call RandomString
dec ecx ;ecx -- <--ecx is now 19
cmp ecx,0 ;compare ecx to zero
jne l1 <-- jump to l1, and ecx becomes 20 again
You should move the mov
to BEFORE the l1
mov ecx,L ;ecx = 20
call RandomString ;call Random String
dec ecx ;ecx --
cmp ecx,0 ;compare ecx to zero
jne l1