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Draw a closed and filled contour

I am trying to draw a closed contour an fill it up with (transparent or whatever) color with folium. The lacking docs are not helpful, any ideas how to do that ?

This is my current code

m = folium.Map(location=[46, 2], zoom_start=5)

pts = [
[43.601795137863135, 1.451673278566412],
[43.61095574264419, 1.437239509310642],
[43.60999839038903, 1.45630473303456],
[43.60607351937904, 1.438762676051137],
[43.59725521090158, 1.444569790831369],
[43.6076281683173, 1.451991362348086]

p = folium.PolyLine(locations=pts,weight=5)


  • This is not documented (nothing is really documented ATM), but this works

    m = folium.Map(location=[46, 2], zoom_start=5)
    pts = [
    [43.601795137863135, 1.451673278566412],
    [43.61095574264419, 1.437239509310642],
    [43.60999839038903, 1.45630473303456],
    [43.60607351937904, 1.438762676051137],
    [43.59725521090158, 1.444569790831369],
    [43.6076281683173, 1.451991362348086]
    folium.features.PolygonMarker(locations=pts, color='#FF0000', fill_color='blue', weight=5).add_to(m)