I'm trying to upload a .csv
file using ng-file-upload
in the browser and Play for Scala 2.5.x at the backend.
If I use moveTo
in Play the file is uploaded, but generated with headers and trailers instead of the plain file:
request.body.moveTo(new File("c:\\tmp\\uploaded\\filetest.csv"))
Is there a way to save only the data part?
Alternatively, I tried the following
def doUpload = Action(parse.multipartFormData) { request =>
request.body.file("file").map { file =>
val filename = file.filename
val contentType = file.contentType
file.ref.moveTo(new File("c:\\tmp\\uploaded\\filetest.csv"))
Ok("file uploaded at " + new java.util.Date())
But the map is empty. This is what I get in the first two println
multipart/form-data MultipartFormData(Map(),Vector(FilePart(file,hello2.csv,Some(application/vnd.ms-excel),TemporaryFile(C:\Users\BUSINE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\playtemp2236977636541678879\multipartBody2268668511935303172asTemporaryFile))),Vector())
Meaning that I am receiving something, however I cannot extract it. Any ideas?
A bit verbose maybe but it does what you want.
Note that I am on a Mac so you may have to change the /tmp/uploaded/
path in copyFile
since it looks like you are on Windows.
package controllers
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission._
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path}
import java.util
import javax.inject._
import akka.stream.IOResult
import akka.stream.scaladsl._
import akka.util.ByteString
import play.api._
import play.api.data.Form
import play.api.data.Forms._
import play.api.i18n.MessagesApi
import play.api.libs.streams._
import play.api.mvc.MultipartFormData.FilePart
import play.api.mvc._
import play.core.parsers.Multipart.FileInfo
import scala.concurrent.Future
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption._
import java.nio.file.Paths
case class FormData(filename: String)
// Type for multipart body parser
type FilePartHandler[A] = FileInfo => Accumulator[ByteString, FilePart[A]]
val form = Form(mapping("file" -> text)(FormData.apply)(FormData.unapply))
private def deleteTempFile(file: File) = Files.deleteIfExists(file.toPath)
// Copies temp file to your loc with provided name
private def copyFile(file: File, name: String) =
Files.copy(file.toPath(), Paths.get("/tmp/uploaded/", ("copy_" + name)), REPLACE_EXISTING)
// FilePartHandler which returns a File, rather than Play's TemporaryFile class
private def handleFilePartAsFile: FilePartHandler[File] = {
case FileInfo(partName, filename, contentType) =>
val attr = PosixFilePermissions.asFileAttribute(util.EnumSet.of(OWNER_READ, OWNER_WRITE))
val path: Path = Files.createTempFile("multipartBody", "tempFile", attr)
val file = path.toFile
val fileSink: Sink[ByteString, Future[IOResult]] = FileIO.toPath(file.toPath())
val accumulator: Accumulator[ByteString, IOResult] = Accumulator(fileSink)
accumulator.map {
case IOResult(count, status) =>
FilePart(partName, filename, contentType, file)
} (play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.defaultContext)
// The action
def doUpload = Action(parse.multipartFormData(handleFilePartAsFile)) { implicit request =>
val fileOption = request.body.file("file").map {
case FilePart(key, filename, contentType, file) =>
val copy = copyFile(file, filename)
val deleted = deleteTempFile(file) // delete original uploaded file after we have
Ok(s"Uploaded: ${fileOption}")