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TYPO3 RTE-Link with id of linked page as data-atribute or rel-tag?

I'm trying to add the special id of the linked page as an rel-attribute to each a-Tag of the RTE. At the moment, the rel part is include in the link, but with "page:uid" it inserts the actual page ID and NOT the id of the linked page. {
  typolink.parameter.append <
  typolink.ATagParams = rel={page:uid}
  wrap <

For Example: The site "Contact" has the ID-number 210 but at the moment, i'm on the "start" page with the id = 11. Now I have a textlink at the page "start" to the "Contacts" page. The HTML part looks as follows:

<a href="contacts/" rel="11">contact</a>

But it should be like this

<a href="contacts/" rel="210">contact</a>

Or even better like this (with special data-attribute)

<a href="contacts/" data-relation="210">contact</a>

How can I get this? Many thanks in advance.


  • What you try to do is a bit tricky in TypoScript, but not impossible. You have to work on the arguments of the pseudo <link> tag which look like 162 - some-class ... - 162 is the page-id in this example.


    # Simulating some content
    page = PAGE
    page.10 = TEXT
    page.10.value (
      <link 162 - some-class>Some page</link>
    page.10.parseFunc =< lib.parseFunc_RTE
    # Adjusting parsing instructions for pseudo links
    lib.parseFunc_RTE { {
        typolink.ATagParams.append = TEXT
        typolink.ATagParams.append {
          stdWrap {
            # having all link settings "162 - some-class ..."
            data = parameters:allParams
            # split by whitespace
            split.token.char = 32
            # use first item
            split.returnKey = 0
            # enforce integer values
            intval = 1
          noTrimWrap = | data-relation="|"|

    Generated markup

    <p class="bodytext">
      <a href="/tests/some-page" class="some-class" data-relation="162">Some page</a>