In the following code the @return is underlined red. I have it expecting an interface to be returned because that is what all of the different Vendor adapters implement.
* VendorFactory constructor.
* @param Model $model
* @return \Traders\Interfaces\VendorAdapterInterface
public function __construct(Model $model)
return $this->createAdapter($model);
This is the code for the createAdapter which does not have the @return underlined in red.
* @param Model $model
* @return \Traders\Interfaces\VendorAdapterInterface
public function createAdapter(Model $model)
$type = str_replace('App\Models\\', '', get_class($model)).'s';
$fqcn = '\Traders\Adapters\\'.$type.'\\'.ucfirst(strtolower($model->name));
return new $fqcn($model);
I have tried doing the /** docblock and letting PHPStorm enter what it believes is the return value and it just keeps giving me
@return mixed
Your problem is the return
in the constructor.
Constructors do not take return values, they get executed when an instance of that class is instantiated.