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Angular 2 compile dynamic template with data

I am developing bridge like interface for jquery grid control. The grid is rendered with the below syntax and works as expected.


While providing support to render template inside the t-column tag, I am able to get the data and jquery element.

jQuery element

<div class="angulartmplbda8aedb-6b16-456d-8c17-3240a674b0c7 angular-template">
   <div _ngcontent-ila-1="">
     <input _ngcontent-ila-1="" type="button" value="Template"></div>

Now, the button is displayed with template text. How to dynamically change the input element value which is from gridData.?

 export class TemplateElement {
private context: any;
__parent: tComponents<any, any>; 
constructor(protected el: ElementRef) {

ngOnInit() {
    template.render = (self, selector, data, index, prop) => {
        let templateObject = self.angularTemplate;
        if (!templateObject || !templateObject[selector]) {
            templateObject = templateObject || {};
            templateObject[selector] = { key: t.getGuid('angulartmpl'), itemData: [], views: [] };
            self.angularTemplate = templateObject;
        let scope = templateObject[selector];
        if (!t.isNullOrUndefined(index)) {
            if (!scope.itemData)
                scope.itemData = [];
            scope.itemData[index] = data;
        } else {
            scope.itemData = [data];
        let actElement = $(this.el.nativeElement).html();
        let tempElement = "<div class='" + templateObject[selector].key + " t-angular-template'>" + actElement + '</div>';
        return tempElement;
ngAfterViewInit() {

compileTempalte() {
    let element = this.__parent.widget.element;
    let templates = $(element).find('.t-angular-template');
    let templateObject = this.__parent.widget.angularTemplate;
    for (let template in templateObject) {
        let tmplElement = templates.filter('.' + templateObject[template].key);
        if (tmplElement.length) {
            for (let i = 0; i < tmplElement.length; i++) {
               //modified code 
               childView = this.viewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView(this.templateRef, { '$implicit': templateObject[template].itemData[i] });                    
                this.childViews[i] = childView;
        } else {
            delete templateObject[template];

clearTempalte() {
    let templateObject = this.__parent.widget.angularTemplate;
    if (templateObject && Object.keys(templateObject).length) {
        for (let tmpl in templateObject) {
            delete templateObject[tmpl];



  • As discussed, you need to use transclusion:

    And you need to add let-item="$implicit" on this part:

    <template t-template let-item="$implicit">
        <input t-button [value]="item.CustomerID" />