I'm interested in the problem of patterning mining among players of social networking games. For example detecting cheaters of a game, given a company's user database. So far I have been following the usual recipe for a data mining project:
Surprisingly, I've found very little in this area regarding literature, best practices, etc. I am hoping to crowdsource the information gathering problem here. Specifically what I'm looking for:
Basically, any resources (theoretical, academic, or practical) about implementing a social networking / gaming pattern-mining program would be very much appreciated.
I am looking for the same kind of resources, here are some things I found that I consider pretty interesting, hope you can take advantage of it, please if you discover more resources let me know. Here they are: http://techcrunch.com/2010/04/06/turiya-media-games/ http://www.kdnuggets.com/2010/08/video-tutorial-christian-thurau-data-mining-in-games.html?k10n21 http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/2816/better_game_design_through_data_.php This is in portuguesse but is excelent: http://thiagofalcao.info/