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Using lambda in default initializer gcc vs clang

#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>

int main()
    struct point_of_cone
        double x, y;
        double z = [&] { using std::sqrt; return sqrt(x * x + y * y); }();
    point_of_cone p = {3.0, 4.0};
    assert(p.z == 5.0);

Works fine for clang++ from trunk, but for g++ from trunk fails with error message (link):

error: 'this' was not captured for this lambda function

Definition of point_of_cone in namespace scope works fine for both.

Slightly modified definition with [this] lambda capture works fine also for both in either global or local scope.

Which compiler is right?


  • That's a gcc bug.

    int main() {
        struct A {
            int x, i = [&] { return x; }();
        } a{0};

    This fails, but if we…

    • change & to this, or
    • declare A as having namespace scope,

    it works. Neither of these should have any effect on the well-formedness, though.

    Reported: #78019.